Christian Coccia

23 dec 20191 minuten

Floyd Mayweather & Arianna Huffington

Floyd Mayweather
Record: 50-0 (27 KOs).
Motto: “You have good days, you have bad days. But the main thing is to grow mentally.”
Success: Olympic bronze medallist. Five-weight world champion. Lineal champion in four weight classes. Retired undefeated.
Failure: Served jail time for domestic violence offences. Unpaid tax issues.
Favourite foods: Twizzlers, Ramen noodles.
Lifestyle: Extreme training discipline. Known to go for a run at 2am. Does 1,000 sit-ups a day when in camp.
Likes: Ostentatious displays of wealth, expensive clothes, jewellery and cars. The Movie The Notebook.
Dislikes: Microwaves. Doesn’t own or use one.

Arianna Huffington
Record: Founder of The Huffington Post, CEO of Thrive Global, author and speaker.
Motto: “You have to do what you dream of doing even while you're afraid.”
Success: Company CEO. Multi-millionaire. 15 books published. In top 100 of Time magazine and Forbes influence lists.
Failure: Health problems from burnout and work exhaustion.
Favourite foods: Feta Cheese due to Greek heritage. A passion for raw almonds.
Lifestyle: Advocates for plenty of sleep and a strong commitment to meditation.
Likes: Coffee, Alexander McQueen perfume.
Dislikes: Technology distractions. Tiredness.